Frequently Asked Questions
How does payment work?
We email an invoice, you send a check. For further questions about payment please contact us.
What if my school needs to Cancel?
Please give us a 30 day notice if you need to cancel. We will continue to provide the monthly Parent Education Package and give you the option of reimbursement 50% of total charge.
What if we need to reschedule?
We will do our best to reschedule our assembly training for a later date.
What if my Trainer needs to cancel?
Unfortunately this happens from time to time. We will do our very best to reschedule at your preferred date. In the case that is not possible, we will issue 50% return and continue to offer our online resources to you.
Can I pay at two different times?
Our preference is one complete payment at time of scheduling school assemblies. Please contact us with any questions or concerns you may have.
What if an unexpected event (Virus Pandemic) occurs which requires cancellation?
We will attempt to reschedule, in the case that is not possible, you will be provided with a video of our presentations that can be used during distance learning.
What if my school includes both jr. High and High School Students, how much will payment be?
The price will be tailored to the oldest grade enrolled at your school.
Will the school need to provide equipment for Assembly trainings?
Although we often ask if equipment is available, we will always be prepared to use our own equipment if needed. The equipment we use include a projector, projector screen, microphone and audio through computer.